Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mail Merge

Making cards for your family which are alot is very hard but when my teacher Ramirez Showed me how to make alot of letter with just writing one letter was great because all you have to do is write the name of the person why do you like them for and then you just replace it with the blanks in your letter and bang you have written alot of letter for alot of people in just minutes but this could aslo be used in my future for example when i have to write letters to my family or for my job and this could also be used when i need to give out letters to everyone when im at work and when theres not alot of time to write alot of letters

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

statistical functions

statistical functions are used to analysis the data in a spreadsheet

relative cell reference

relative cell reference is a location that is relative to the selected cell

order of evaluation

order of evaluation is a string of symbols intended to represent a numerical value


operator is a mapping from one vector space or module to another


operand is a quantity in which the operation is performed

mixed cell reference

mixed cell reference is a column letter or a row number that intersects at the cells location