Thursday, May 27, 2010


transitions are words or phrases or techniques that help bring two ideas together

slide sorter view

slide sorter view is a window that displays thumbnail versions of all your slides

slide show view

slide show view is when you make your computer show all of your slides one at a time

slide master

slide master is the element of your design template

slide layout

slide layout is all the arrangements of all the items that make up your slide

slide finder

slide finder helps you find any designs that you created or that you have lost in your computer

slide design

slide design is how you arrange your slides or how you decorated


presentations is when you go and explain your idea or project and demonstrate how you did it or what you find out

place holder

place holder are words that can refer as people or objects

normal view

normal view is the main working window in the your presentation

exit effect

exit effect is when your computer freezes and then you exit the program fast

clip organizer

clip organizer arranges also catalogs clip art and other media files on your hard drive

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

status bar

status bar is information that is found at the bottom your windows document in a graphical user interface

scroll bar

scroll bar can help you move your page up or down in your document

tool bar

tool bar is a bar that contains many tools that can help you in your document

menu bar

menu bar is a horizontail strip that contains a list of many menus for that certain program

title bar

is the top part of your document that shows your title window

Thursday, May 6, 2010


a worksheet is a document that you can write anything that you need


a work book is a file that you can enter or store data


range are a series of cells that work as one group


merge is when your join or combine pictures or letter even documents in computer

header row

header row is the grayish colored column containing the numbers to identify each row

grid lines

grid lines are the horizontal and vertical lines in your spread sheets

fill in

fill in is when you fill in any blank spot in your document

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

fill handle

fill handle is a small black in the bottom right corner of the chosen cell.

cell refrence

cell reference is the column number and the row letter of the cell

Ascending order

Ascending order is an order of information assigned from smallest to highest

Active Cell

Active cell is a cell that can be selected open for opening for editing