Wednesday, February 24, 2010

computer home work

well when i was a kid my mom didnt want me to have a computer because i was to young but my father had a desktop and it was huge with a lot of wires but it was still in good shape and able to find information for us but as i grow up the technology got stronger because when i was in 3rd grade the computers were smaller and they were not full of wires it was different but when i went to 4th grade the computer got even smaller and there were even less wires but when i got two 7th grade the computer where known as a laptop they made a computer that had a mouse that was below the keyboard that was amazing and then there was like only two wires attach to the computer but then when i went two high school there were laptops were wireless and the internet so the computer technology really changed during my time but my fathers computer technology was worse my father told him that he saw computer thats is the size of a tv the screen was black and white there was no window and basically the computer had to have a signal so the screen wont disapper but then they told me there technology got better.

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